Elected Officials

Jeffrey Bradham

Jerry Bradham

Karl August Case

George Gerlach

Royce Jones

Chris Ray

Aaron Winter

Committee Assignments

Finance: George Gerlach (chair), Royce Jones, Aaron Winter
Parks & Playgrounds: Chris Ray (chair), Jerry Bradham, Aaron Winter
Streets & Alleys: Karl August Case (chair), Jerry Bradham, Chris Ray
Property & Building: Aaron Winter (chair), Royce Jones, Karl August Case
Public Safety: Royce Jones (chair), George Gerlach, Karl August Case
Water & Sewer: Jerry Bradham (chair) Chris Ray, George Gerlach   

Contact the Mayor and TrusteesVillage of WS@hotmail.com

Village Board Meeting Agendas & Minutes

All Committees meet as needed. *Meeting is a week early due to Holiday

Fire Department Meeting Agendas & Minutes

Village Departments

Village Hall

Clerk: Cynthia Fuerst – email: Clerk@westsalemil.com
Treasurer: Amelia Quillen – email: Treasurer@westsalemil.com


Chief of Police: Mark Weber – email: westsalempd1@gmail.com

Public Works

Director of Public Works: Tod Goble
Assistant Water Superintendent: Mike Clark

Volunteer Fire Department

Fire Chief: Harvey Fenton
Assistant Fire Chief: Jason Arnold

Open Government / FOIA


  • The total amount of the Village’s operating budget for FY2025 is $1,162,558.00
  • Annual Audit
  • Employees
    Full-Time: 4
    Part-time: 1
    Seasonal: 1
  • Organizational Chart

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Village Clerk is the designated Freedom of Information (FOIA) Officer to whom all initial requests for access to the records of the Village are to be referred.  Such requests are to be made at the office of the Village Clerk at 106 E. South St., West Salem, Illinois between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday.  In the event that the Village Clerk is not available during the times described above, the Village Treasurer is designated as the Deputy FOIA Officer to whom such initial requests are to be made.  Except in instances when records are furnished immediately, the FOIA Officer, or his designees, shall receive requests submitted to the Village under the Freedom of Information Act, ensure that the Village responds to requests in a timely fashion, and issue responses under the Act.

Municipal Code:

Please note that these Municipal Codes are provided for informational purposes only. Municipal Codes and/or any other documents that appear on this site may not reflect the most current versions adopted by the Village. Check with the Village Clerk to ensure that you are reviewing the most current version. 

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